
Choose and let go

Exercise: yes, the asanas and the sun salutations

Meditation: sudarshan kriya + sahaj

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For so many showroom with so much variety to buy stuff from.

2. For the uncertainty of life. (I’m more amazed than grateful)

3. For power inverters, which make life so easy.

The gratefulness for today:

Today I am grateful for my better choices. I have always hated choosing. Yet, there’s no shying away from it. One way or another you have choose! Every time the biggest problem I faced was the post decision contemplation about whether I made the right decision or not. This mind chattering has reduced significantly nowadays and I am very grateful for that.

Also, I am grateful for the extraordinary class this morning. I feel my students have really bonded with me. They look forward to my class like I look forward to meeting them. This is something truly special. All this has happened out of nowhere. I cannot really express what joy this brings me. Thank you!

Lots of love. 🙂

Be aware and all will follow

Exercise: yes, the warm up and the sun salutations

Meditation: padma sadhna + sahaj + sudarshan kriya ( had an amazing meditation in the evening too 😉

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For the silence in my mind.

2. For the joy of knowing it’s taken care of.

3. For the awesome food I eat everyday.

The gratefulness for today:

Today I am grateful for the amazing awareness I was in throughout the day but more so in the evening. It was magnificent. I was aware of everything happening around me. More importantly these were all just ‘happenings’ in the sense that they were having very little, if any, impact on me. I was just a witness. There was a special peace and a different kind of happiness altogether with it. Often, my happiness has come to me together with excitement and outwardly expression. This was a joy with harmony and equanimity. Loving it!

Lots of love 🙂

Learn, learn and learn

Exercise: Yes, did the warm up and the sun salutations

Meditation: padma sadhna +sahaj + sudarshan kriya

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For so many options or better, so much diversity in this world.

2. For the great blessing of never having to suppress any desire for monetary reasons.

3. For all the love that fills this universe.

The gratefulness for today:

Today I am grateful for my learning capability. I recently started teaching a subject (Biology) I have absolutely no idea about. This has opened a totally new dimension for me. I am grateful for this ability which lets me learn at such a fast pace and comprehend everything I read. Its incredible how sharp my intellect has become since I started meditating. This, truly, is a gift and I am eternally grateful. It is this intellect only which has led me to understand the out of sight secrets of life. I believe it’s the reason I am prospering in life.

What is amazing is that in spirituality the ultimate aim is to transcend the intellect and merge with the divine which can be attained either by a sharp intellect or total surrender. I am grateful that both these qualities are growing in me, every single day!

Thank you! …for everything!

Lots of love 🙂



I am taken care of :)

Exercise: NOPE! missed this one today but will continue tomorrow 🙂

Meditation: yup, did the Sudarshan Kriya + sahaj

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For all the money that comes in my life and make me more and more comfortable.

2. For my fingers. They make all my work so efficient and simple.

3. For the oxygen I breath, all day long.

The gratefulness for today:

Today, I am grateful for the feeling of being taken care of. My morning was not good but as the day progressed I realized that no matter what happen the almighty is tending to me. I expected today to be a disaster but instead it has been one of the most beautiful days in recent past. After my kriya I just left all hope and started thinking of today as a buffer between the more important yesterday and tomorrow. As I was letting go, my day started readjusting itself and I was in an awesome mood throughout the day.

Also, I think my sense of humor today was just exquisite. Both my classes were hilarious. All this is magical for me. I am very grateful for all the joy and blessings that are flowing into my life.

Its only when I forget that the master is watching over me that I feel depressed. But today I know, I am taken care of!!

Lots of love 🙂

A simple day for a better tommorrow

Exercise: did a light warm up followed by 12 rounds of sun salutations.

Meditation: Padma Sadhna + Sahaj + Sudarshan Kriya (If you don’t know what these are, join the next Art of Living workshop and change the world around you)

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For the internet which makes all the knowledge in the world accessible to me and lets me connect to the rest of humanity, effortlessly.

2. For my friend Mayur. He is a true best friend. He was there with me when even I was not with me. 🙂

3. For my intelligence which is very sharp and (self-praising) above average.

The gratefulness for today:

Today, I am grateful, first and foremost, for my afternoon nap which was extraordinary. I slept like a baby. Just WOW!

I am also grateful to find Teach For India. I first heard about it some time back. Although I was interested but there was too much ambition and wanting which held me back from applying. Today when I came across it again, I felt like this is what I really really want to do. I am very excited to join in the near future. Fingers crossed.

Another amazing thing today was my daily read of Yoga Vashistha. I felt like it went through me. I read it last year but was too naive to understand it. In the last year I have matured enough to comprehend what is being said. This is truly amazing. I am very grateful.

Lots of love! 🙂