
Be aware and all will follow

Exercise: yes, the warm up and the sun salutations

Meditation: padma sadhna + sahaj + sudarshan kriya ( had an amazing meditation in the evening too 😉

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For the silence in my mind.

2. For the joy of knowing it’s taken care of.

3. For the awesome food I eat everyday.

The gratefulness for today:

Today I am grateful for the amazing awareness I was in throughout the day but more so in the evening. It was magnificent. I was aware of everything happening around me. More importantly these were all just ‘happenings’ in the sense that they were having very little, if any, impact on me. I was just a witness. There was a special peace and a different kind of happiness altogether with it. Often, my happiness has come to me together with excitement and outwardly expression. This was a joy with harmony and equanimity. Loving it!

Lots of love 🙂


Exercise: Yes, the warm ups and the sun salutations

Meditation: yup, padma sadhna + sahaj + sudarshan kriya

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For my sister who is one of the most wonderful people on earth.

2. For my awesome personality which leaves a mark on everyone I meet. 🙂

3. For Ayurveda which fixes the little imbalances in the body.

The gratefulness for today:

Today I am grateful for the continuation of the awesome equanimous state of mind without much anxiety, fear or dejection. Actually today was kind of perfect…

…and thus, I am literally out of words. I have no idea what to write.

PS: I had a WOW afternoon nap; cooked some WOW dinner; took some WOW classes and was in a WOW state of mind. Thank you!

Lots of love 🙂

steady and joyful

Exercise: yes, did the warm up and sun salutations

Meditation: yup, padma sadhna + sahaj + sudarshan kriya

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For the yummy delicious food I get to eat. So many varieties, so many tastes, just WOW!

2. For Yoga vashista, a book of the highest knowledge.

3. For the sun who provides me with all the energy I need.

The gratefulness for today: 

Today I am grateful for the equanimous state I was in throughout the day. It is amazing how my mind is settling down. All the anxiety, cravings and aversions are dissolving. The daily read of Yoga vashista and Ashtavakra Gita discourses are having a very profound effect on me. The happenings, the circumstances are almost same as they were a year ago, but I have undergone a sea of change. I am able to accept my surroundings as they are and work to change them if need be. I am more aware and calm every day. This awareness and acceptance has made me a lot happier. I am very grateful for this life and all the super awesome things I have received.

Another amazing thing today was my first two and a half hour class. I was always amazed at my Vajiram and Ravi teachers as to how they manage such awesome, precise and lengthy classes. I took my first one today and it was extraordinary. I am turning out to be a great teacher. This is something I always wanted. I have in this short span of time formed a bond with my students who truly admire me. And it feels AWESOME! Thank you!

Lots of love 🙂





Love and equanimity

Exercise: yes, did the warm up and the sun salutations

Meditation: yup, did the long sudarshan kriya at our local Art of Living center. (there’s nothing like it!)

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For the bliss I experience when I meditate.

2. For the tree who gave up its life so I can write.

3. For the game of cricket.

The gratefulness for today:

Today, I am grateful for the equanimity I experienced throughout the day. There was no sign of any stress or anxiety. My day started off great and is about to end great. Little things here and there did went wrong but I was not moved. Its amazing what being in FLOW can do to you. Just accepting the circumstances with both hands gives you the freedom to  be unaffected by them.

Also, I am grateful for my mother who loves me very very dearly. For some time now, I have been noticing small incidents and gestures, every now and then, which make me realize how loved I am. No love in the world is as selfless and unconditional as her’s.

I am grateful for all the love and joy that surrounds me! very Grateful! 🙂

Lots of love 🙂