steady and joyful

Exercise: yes, did the warm up and sun salutations

Meditation: yup, padma sadhna + sahaj + sudarshan kriya

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For the yummy delicious food I get to eat. So many varieties, so many tastes, just WOW!

2. For Yoga vashista, a book of the highest knowledge.

3. For the sun who provides me with all the energy I need.

The gratefulness for today: 

Today I am grateful for the equanimous state I was in throughout the day. It is amazing how my mind is settling down. All the anxiety, cravings and aversions are dissolving. The daily read of Yoga vashista and Ashtavakra Gita discourses are having a very profound effect on me. The happenings, the circumstances are almost same as they were a year ago, but I have undergone a sea of change. I am able to accept my surroundings as they are and work to change them if need be. I am more aware and calm every day. This awareness and acceptance has made me a lot happier. I am very grateful for this life and all the super awesome things I have received.

Another amazing thing today was my first two and a half hour class. I was always amazed at my Vajiram and Ravi teachers as to how they manage such awesome, precise and lengthy classes. I took my first one today and it was extraordinary. I am turning out to be a great teacher. This is something I always wanted. I have in this short span of time formed a bond with my students who truly admire me. And it feels AWESOME! Thank you!

Lots of love 🙂





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