decision making

Choose and let go

Exercise: yes, the asanas and the sun salutations

Meditation: sudarshan kriya + sahaj

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For so many showroom with so much variety to buy stuff from.

2. For the uncertainty of life. (I’m more amazed than grateful)

3. For power inverters, which make life so easy.

The gratefulness for today:

Today I am grateful for my better choices. I have always hated choosing. Yet, there’s no shying away from it. One way or another you have choose! Every time the biggest problem I faced was the post decision contemplation about whether I made the right decision or not. This mind chattering has reduced significantly nowadays and I am very grateful for that.

Also, I am grateful for the extraordinary class this morning. I feel my students have really bonded with me. They look forward to my class like I look forward to meeting them. This is something truly special. All this has happened out of nowhere. I cannot really express what joy this brings me. Thank you!

Lots of love. 🙂