
Thank you dad!

Exercise: yes, the warm up and the sun salutations

Meditation: yup, padma sadhna + sahaj + sudarshan kriya

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For the Art of Living foundation which is transforming so many lives.

2. For my Honda Activa which makes my transport very easy.

3. For the fresh morning air.

The gratefulness for today:

Today I am grateful for my father. He is by far the most amazing person I have known. Yes, we have our differences but time and again he makes me realize that he is willing to walk the distance. He sheds his ego for me and is always ready to accept and support me. He is one of the most advanced parents I know. He has been great in teaching me the basic things about life. He has acted as a villain, a friend, a rule maker, a rule breaker, a teacher, a tyrant and an extremely loving and caring father. His tougher side had been more prominent to me. I often failed to recognize the subtle delicate aspects of him. As I am getting to know him better, my love and respect for him are only growing, day by day.

Lots of love 🙂