
Breaking the habit pattern

Exercise: light warm up + 12 rounds sun salutations

Meditation: padma sadhna + sahaj + sudarshan kriya

3 things I am grateful for:

1. For friends who seek me out even when I should be ignored, who invest more in the friendship than me

2. For dancing because there is no joy like it

3. For the smiles I see on faces I come in contact with

The gratefulness for today:

Today I am grateful for the knowledge of my habits and the courage and will power I have to break them. As my consciousness is expanding, I am finding more and more habits (or repetitive histories) that I am stuck in. The mirage of pleasure conditioned on the fulfillment of a desire arising out of habits has, time and again, left me dejected. All the running after contentment has brought nothing but inertia. The bliss that I have been chasing has only moved farther and farther away. It is only recently that I have realized this and am putting an effort to change this wiring in my brain.

Its so amazing that what I was seeking all along is rite here withing me. All I really have to do is relax and let go. Let go of the unruly cravings, the vicious ignorance and the constantly chattering mind. It is fascinating, how all my desires aim at fulfillment in spite of being the cause of the unfulfillment in the first place.

I am grateful for this knowledge which is dawning on me. I am grateful for the support and care the universe provides me. I know that no matter what, I am taken care of.

Another realization today was that everything is a step by step process. I have, like the majority, always focused only on the end result and never on the journey. It is for the first time that the journey is becoming important for me. I am grateful for the little developments that take place during my day. Breaking a habit can again become a burning desire leading to exhaustion. The anxiety, the feverishness it can create is thus the same boat, just a different name. The incredible understanding that ‘everything takes time’ is extremely important.

My life has taken a sharp turn for the good. I can’t really put into words what I truly feel inside me. Its just  a whole mixture of love, joy and gratefulness. And I wish everyone that!

Lots of love 🙂